Hello guys!!

This is my holiday 
So I went with my family to East Java for a vacation, in the first day my family and i wake up 07:00 am then we pack up and leave immediately depart to begin a journey, when all have entered the car we immediately start the car engine and go straight to the toll road, when I first left, I was not bored because my brother was still awake so we could talk and listen to music,but as time went by I began to feel bored then I feel bored with the trip because, I often see the view bored I just go to sleep,After an hour my father finally woke me up at a rest area for midday prayers and lunch. after a long trip we finally arrived at our destination,the city of Madiun we arrived at 10:00 PM,because because i was so tired i went straight to the bedroom to sleep.

on the second day we went to Madiun Big Market to buy several kinds of food and vegetables,at first I thought the weather wasn't too hot but I was wrong The weather is very hot there so at night we want to go to the electronics shop to buy things that are needed by my father,after my mother was satisfied shopping I finally asked to buy satay because most of it is satay and rice pecel then I asked when we will go to Malang, then my mother said tomorrow we will leave

we are ready to drive by car from the city of Madiun to Batu Malang.

The journey from the city of Madiun to Batu Malang by car took about 3 hours with the distance of about 180 km, we had stopped eating once in the city of Klaten and stopped 2 times at the gas station. By taking turns driving with my brother, we finally arrived in Batu at 2 pm.

Our first destination was to go to the mosque located in Alun - Alun Kota Batu to take a short break and cleanse ourselves so that we could go directly to the tourist attraction we had chosen before. We took turns bathing in public toilets located on the side of the mosque's parking lot. The bathroom there also provides hot water at a cost of Rp.8,000, - so we can take a shower without fear of being cold. If we want to take a shower without hot water, we only need to pay Rp.4,000. Oh yeah, afraid of being cold is not because you never take a shower in the morning, but the city of Batu is indeed famous for its cool and cold weather.

After refreshing and getting enough rest, we walked around Alun-Alun to look for breakfast. "What do you want to eat?", "What are you doing?" Finally we decided to eat Soto Lamongan at Laron Market. Breakfast was finished, we continued walking and relaxed first in the Alun - Alun.

Then we returned to the car to continue our journey to the tourism objects that we had chosen for the first day, namely: Selecta Flower Park, Coban Rondo Labyrinth Park, Rabbit Park and Batu Night Spectacular (BNS). Before going to BNS we plan to check in at the ASTON Hotel first while waiting for the night to come.


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